Can I move out without parental consent if I’ve filed for emancipation?

I’m 16, I will be 17 in February, and just discussed emancipation with my mother. She said after I clean and collect my things I am allowed to call family to find somewhere else to live. I plan on filing the beginning paperwork for emancipation on December 5th. I have living arrangements made for January outside of my family. I also just got a job. I will be able to afford my bills and rent with my current hours and nothing will intervene with school. I have mostly B’s in school and do well. My plan is to go to the city courthouse and pick up the forms I will need and fill them out this Thursday to be filed after my next payday. After I file these papers will I be able to pick my living arrangement or at least live with a family member until our hearing?

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Alasdair Taylor's Answer

Sorry, I can’t help with this question. Our expertise is in English law in the fields of IT, intellectual property and commerce generally. You might want to try this US website:

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