Dissolved company still trading

Hi there. I have paid a tradesman a sum of money to purchase a composite door for my home from a manufacturer. The door was manufactured incorrectly and the tradesman originally blamed the manufacturers. I am no longer working with the tradesman due to a disagreement regarding the quality of work that was being carried out and he walked off-site. He has since called the door manufacture and told them that the door is fit for purpose and therefore they will not make another. 

The tradesman ordered the door using a company name that was dissolved in 2000. Is this a criminal act and is it a chargeable offence? All I want is the door that I requested but the tradesman has said that he will call the manufacturer if I pay him more money for the work he did. Is this blackmail and an admission that the door was incorrect in the first place? Thank you so much. 

1.01K viewscriminal law

Alasdair Taylor's Answer

Sorry, I’m not sure of the answer to this – I don’t work in or know a great deal about the criminal law.

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