Hired company unaware it?s dissolved


We recently hired a company to complete our loft conversion, but we?ve had non-stop problems: leaks, no care for our home, Etc!

It turns out no stage of the works was actually completed and they just started the next to get the next payment.

I was suspicious and checked Companies House to find the company dissolved back in July – 3 months before they took our job on!

We still owe them money however reluctuant due to the poor workmanship and damage they have caused which I don?t believe will ever make good!

Where do we stand should we be receiving invoices from a company that dissolved some months ago yet is still trading and wrecking our home! Help?

820 viewsconsumer law

Alasdair Taylor's Answer

If the company did not exist then you could not have entered into a contract with it. However, you likely to have a contract with someone – and it sound likely that that contract has been breached in some way.

However, the best course of action in your situation will depend upon the specifics: who is involved? What was agreed? How bad is the work? What has been paid and what as not?

Accordingly, I recommend that you consult a local solicitor about this. If that is not viable, you should try the CAB (https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/).

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