Is a company which has been struck off and dissolved in the UK obligated to complete outstanding services ?

We paid a large sum to a portfolio restructuring company, to reorganise financially our buy-to-let property portfolio.  It completed only a small percentage of the works involved (registered a new Limited company on our behalf) prior to being struck off and dissolved, which has left us with future legal and trading implications for our own company which we do not understand as all was to be explained out outlined by them on completion of paperwrok. As we do not wish to fall foul of the either the law or HMRC we have been keen to and attempting to resolve this issue with the private individual concerned.   

However, to our amazement, he has today Issued a further invoice in the name and details of the old company for a further large sum to complete the work and  issue the legal packs/documents. The cost of this work was originally outlined and included in the original Invoice which was paid in full and in advance.

Are you able to offer any advice on what action we should take next? It is interesting that the individual concerned operates a notary company and so one would of hoped that this situation would have been avoided.

Many thanks for any help and or advise you may be able to offer.

667 viewscompany law

Alasdair Taylor's Answer

This is not the sort of question I can usefully answer here. I suggest you instruct a solicitor to advise on this asap.

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