Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974

Does the ‘any single item to which the supplier has attached a cash price not exceeding ?100 or more than ?30,000’ under subsection 3 of CCA 1974 mean that if a car valued at ?100,000 has a membership component of the purchase price valued at ?10,000 then misrepresentation or breach of contract by the supplier providing the membership component does or does not fall within a claim under s.75 CCA 1974? That is, the car or tangible asset is valued at ?90,000 whilst the exclusive membership or intangible asset is valued at ?10,000, thus the total cost being ?100,000 with monies paid as a whole. Thank you.

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Alasdair Taylor's Answer

I’d need more details to try to answer this question. Feel free to send details to me by email, although I cannot promise to come up with a useful answer.

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