If you are looking for template heads of agreement, check out these templates. What are heads of agreement? Heads of agreement, also known as heads of terms, are preliminary contractual documents that outline the basic terms and conditions of a proposed agreement. These documents serve as a foundation for more detailed and legally-binding contracts to […]
Commercial Law Archives - SEQ Legal
Consulting contracts: doing it yourself
You’ve quit your job to set up as a consultant; you’ve got yourself an office, a new laptop and a new suit; best of all, you’ve shaken hands on your first project. The client asks for your T&Cs, but you have none. What are the options? In increasing order of cost, you could: grab a […]
Notes on manufacturing, exclusivity and competition
One of the more contested provisions in many types of manufacturing contract is the non-compete or exclusivity clause. Customers often want to restrict the rights of manufacturers to use customer know-how to compete against the customer. Indeed, they may want to go further than this, restricting the rights of manufacturers to use know-how gained simply […]
How to write a delivery policy
From the perspective of the customer, the delivery policy may be the most important legal document on a website. It should answer questions that are of keen interest to all customers: by what means will my goods be delivered? When will they be delivered? Do I have to sign for delivery? Will I have to […]
New wedding photography contract template
I’ve spent much of today working on a new wedding photographer contract. This is an adapted version of our existing standard terms and conditions for photographers. There are quite a few features of wedding photography documents that differentiate them from other kinds of photography contract. Having been through the adaptation process, I would recommend that […]
Sellling online and the law – part 3 – product descriptions
Product descriptions and photographs are among the more important aspects of a typical online sales strategy. Descriptions should be clear, informative and fresh; photos should be properly exposed and focused, and large enough enough to show off the products to best effect. But also, descriptions and photos must be legal. This article – part 3 […]
Selling online and the law – part 2 – regulation of products
If you are selling online, you need to ensure that the products you are selling are legal. Some types of product – nuclear warheads, etc – are clearly illegal; others are potentially legal, subject to compliance special regulations. Pharmaceuticals, food and toys fall into this category. Then there’s a residual category of products, not given […]
Selling online and the law – part 1 – introduction
Over the past few months, I’ve been involved in the development of a couple of new businesses selling products online: a toy retailer and a fashion accessory design/supply business. As well as hacking together the websites for the businesses (using the wonderful Drupal) I’ve been responsible for legal compliance. With the experience fresh in memory, […]
When and how to use an NDA
Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) impose obligations to refrain from disclosing information, take measures to protect the confidentiality of information and/or use information only for a specified purpose or purposes. In this post, I look at the issues surrounding the use of NDAs in the IT industry, and consider some of the the typical situations in which […]